how fast does muscle grow

emphasize basic exercises, increase weights you are lifting over time, play with body weight work at the end of the workout. I’m confused when you say maximum a woman can hope for is up to 25 pounds… I’ve had a DEXA scan where my lean muscle mass is shown to be 46kgs, which equates to 101 pounds. He gains 20 pounds in year one, then 10 pounds in year two, then 5 pounds in year three, then 2.5 pounds in year four, then 1.25 pounds in year five. I can use the 12 pound free weights once I’ve been training for a few weeks, and around 65 pounds for the arm press. If you’re doing such a bad job building muscle throughout your tens, 20s, 30s, etc. The only difference is that someone who puts on less muscle will put on more fat. I didn’t find that in your book though you mentioned the intensity. Takes time, but you can do it. The rest of us with our average-at-best genetics make up the large majority. I work out three times a week and do three sets of ten bicep curls with a 12.5kg (27.5lbs) dumbell on each arm for each workout - increased by 2.5kg every week. Knowing beforehand that one’s (drug-free) muscle development is very likely to be mediocre, at best, compared to what one wishes can discourage you from even starting. I am coping well, plenty of calories and protein. What is a good starting weight for a woman at or around 110 pounds? The problem is that the people spreading the “bad” greatly outnumber the people spreading the “good.” So, you either end up falling for silly BS, or you are smart enough to question things and then lucky enough to actually come across the “good.”. Basically I am trying to work out how my bench, squat, deadlift, shoulder press and chin up compare to others with similiar background and what areas I need to improve in. Which is why I find the sweet spot in this case (for both maximizing growth and minimizing body fat gained) is 2lbs gained per month, or about 0.5lb per week. Best guess: your body hates you. Increase your Squat to 140kg/300lb, Bench Press to 100kg/220lb, and Deadlift to 180kg/400lb. Lifting speeds up the process due to an increased need for fuel. I do up to 120 on the leg press and 115 on the adductor/adductor machine and 80 on the ab machine. 5 Keep in mind there is a certain limit on how much your muscles can actually grow dependent on gender, age, and genetics. I’m on my first bulk and when I eat too much in 1 meal, i will gain 1lb~2lb weight overnight , should i reduce the calories intake on next day and balance it out ( 7 days cycle ) ? we will be hitting the exorcise room 3 times a week, doing full body work outs. One workout each week should be absolutely brutal, where you do a ton of body weight exercises after the strength training workout to push your body as much as you possibly can, which will likely mimic the actual demands of what Marine corps training will be like. This was very helpful. Given creatine is a naturally occurring substance (albeit it’s taken in very large doses), my guess is it’s not dangerous, but you never know. You’re using 15s and wondering why your guns still look like pistols. However, unless your normal everyday activities are extremely strenuous, they won’t actuallyContinue Reading Soreness is not an indicator of being/not being recovered. Thank you for the great work so far, I look forward to these all the time! A good web site with interesting content, this is what I need. So, when you see crazy claims of muscle growth (like every product/supplement claims) or see people who have clearly exceeded the rates and limits mentioned above (like every pro bodybuilder on the planet does), there’s a damn good chance it wasn’t done naturally. Its me again! Reasonable as in 9lbs of muscle in a year? In regards to that yearly 50% dropoff, is it 50% of what you actually built or 50% of what you were capable of building? But over a year, that 2lb per month adds up to a solid 24lb of muscle. When you lift weights (or do body weight exercises), your muscles endure tiny injuries throughout their … So 10 lbs of muscle in a month i don't think so, you'v probably gained some weight. A lean 200lbs is more along the lines of a maximum goal to shoot for. The 50% drop off (which isn’t an exact science, by the way) is based on potential rather than what a person actually accomplished. Impossible. Get Stronger. Your input would be greatly appreciated; I don’t want to feel as if I am bragging about how much weight I think I have gained, especially if this jump in weight can be explained in some other way. If the answer is no it appears you SHOULD DROP your caloric intake relevant to the negative effects of your genetics on muscle growth? love it. But the more experienced you get and the more muscle you build, it decreases significantly. As mentioned before though, the type of training you do will also influence this. What I am trying to get at here, is two people with identical body compositions have the SAME dietary requirements (with the same goals and no other issues such as lactose intolerant, allergic to peanuts ect) and hence SHOULD eat the same food despite ones favorable ect and the others unfavorable ect genetics. Certainly one, or more of the five factors above can affect the pace of muscle gain upward, or downward. After another year of proper training and smart eating, he’s now at 170lb and is in the advanced lifter category. Here now are those 6 factors.. Please get back to me ASAP, thank you very much. Would it reduce the amount of muscle built or not? I certainly wouldn’t add stuff like sit-ups or push-ups to rest days. You should measure your body parts and come up with goals/limits for each body part. I train eight times a week, each is 2 1/2 hrs. If you’re interested in learning more about (and actually calculating) your personal genetic potential, Casey Butt’s Your Muscular Potential is as good of a resource as you will ever find, as are his articles here and here. Just a regular mom trying to learn more about fitness, building muscle, etc. This discrepancy is accentuated by the statistics referenced in the above article; that men average substantially less than what I am purporting. There are always rare exceptions that might either exceed or never come close to reaching these amounts, and there’s a handful of factors that influence what these numbers will be for you specifically (all of which I’ll tell you about in a minute). A bit off topic but I absolutely loved your article and would appreciate your opinion. They are both whole proteins. And quality > quantity. In terms of your concern for getting too big, you can establish an LBM goal, or my favorite, establish measurement goals. Genetics and hormones are definitely play a great role. @bartosz – Thanks a lot for the kind comment. I’ve seen people you have expressed admiration for suggest more, such as Christian Finn here. The human body breaks down and rebuilds all of the muscles every 15 to 30 days. In my opinion, building muscle is substantially more difficult than losing fat. How Do I Fix It? A fitness writer and author Lyle McDonald who also coaches bodybuilders on nutrition came up with the following equation for how fast you can build muscle: Notice how the estimated 2 pounds per month is only roughly 0.5lb per week, which is not a very fast pace. The fast-twitch muscle fibers are physically larger to start with, and contract a lot faster and with more force in comparison to the slow-twitch muscle fibers. I lift and i love it but (even though may be fact) the way you have put it is enough to demotivate anyone to even bother. Unfortunately, we can’t change our genetics (although drugs can be used to improve hormone levels), so if you ended up with less-than-stellar genetics (thanks mom and dad! - Forums We’re not talking about any of those here. Because there are 6 major factors that can change things, and they can vary greatly from person to person. Hormone levels, muscle length, bone structure and more all play a huge role in your muscle building potential. I had a look online myself but trying to separate the wheat from the chaff is near impossible. Muscle memory is real and it makes a significant difference. Both of my parents were athletes and are quite well built. The more protein your body stores—in a process called protein synthesis—the larger your muscles grow. The best bodybuilders that ever existed were strong. Anyway, on to the question: do you have any rough guidelines as far as the strength required to see gains? There’s no shortage of people and products making outrageous claims about how fast it’s possible to build muscle. Water, sodium, what you did or didn’t do in the bathroom, etc. . Hey, any advice on skinny hardgainers? I’m age 59; I’ve been drug-free bodybuilding since age 16 in 1972; I’m not even merely average-gened for muscle-building (all average-gened guys are actually “hardgainers”, by the way), but I’m significantly below-average-gened (I have what is statistically extremely-tiny bone thickness in my legs and small bone thickness in my arms relative to my height, plus extremely short muscles bellies everywhere except my lats, which are just shy of average-length); meaning, that, even after a full decade of lifestyle bodybuilding, I was genetically unable to add even the average of 40-50 lbs of lean mass which an average-gened man can. Brown Rice vs White Rice: Which Is Better? 10 reps of one exercise of a muscle group followed by a slightly different exercise for 10 reps, then one minute of rest. Or, better yet, use my brand new program… Superior Muscle Growth. Hello Thanks a lot for all the clean info and am glad that i have found your website and stopped hitting my head without any progress so far (3-4 months on machines and crapy diet). Might take him ten or more years with inferior training/eating. In year four, 50% of year three, so he’ll add another 2.5 pounds of lean. And every once in a while… all of the above. -Be sure to get plenty of rest, drink plenty of water, and eat well. Thanks for sharing! Aside from getting stronger, how do you know you’re eating enough for gaining muscle or if you’re eating too much and putting on too much fat? I started around 165 and I’m working my way up and trying to be patient, but I’m hoping that I’ll hit a groove soon where I’ll actually be lifting some serious weight–enough to make a real difference. It’s time to hit the shops. Me, I’d assumed before I knew anything about weightlifting that it was around 10 pounds a year for 5 years. Works extremely well. The older you get, the more you can expect things to get slower and worse and generally suckier overall. Thank u for answering. Actually, soreness doesn’t mean you’re not recovered, especially the amount of soreness you experience the first few times you do an exercise. Was that the year I had the greatest potential and fluffed it up? To help with lean muscle growth each serving has 50 grams of quality protein. It always begins with shooting for an ideal rate of weight gain based on the specifics of the person… and then tracking it correctly to minimize the variability you mentioned. Within two months i was at 205 lbs. Problem is I’m not seeing a lot of gains am I doing everything right? The exact amount of muscle you can build per week, month or year is based on a handful of individual factors specific to you. If so, I would consider cutting it down to 2 to aid in recovery. When I started kickboxing I was 174lbs. The challenge is that there are several different factors that can effect strength levels such as sleep, hydration, calorie intake, carb intake to name a few. If someone has been training for 3-4 years but has not reached anywhere near their genetic potential, say for example only putting on 10lbs or less of muscle over that period due to poor diet would your rate of gains have diminished to that of someone who has been training for 4 years therefore very slow gains. If the answer is yes than it appears you must accept bulking with more fat over muscle compared to a genetically favored person and you will just have to loose that fat and maintain your muscle at a later stage? Would 2 upper body and 2 legs sessions be more beneficial? If you did a year with a diet to maintain muscle and trained and build few muscle,will you build muscle (with a caloric surplus)as fast as if the first year was a bulking diet instead of a maintenance muscle diet? 1. Or would you build more muscle? Am I attributing this weight gain incorrectly? Testosterone does not magically convert into lean muscle mass. Loving this mate, yu hit the nail on the head. Hey! Oh and it was only the bar with no wieghts. But, either way, don’t feel too bad. Lift heavy – most people never keep track and make progress on their main compound lifts that bring highest muscle building effect. And what i shold be care ful of?. Once you’re past the beginner stage, you’re going to need a tiny surplus of calories for muscle to be built. @dylan Have you ever thought about trying insanity? How To Build Muscle And Lose Fat At The Same Time. But on the other hand, I’m pretty convinced that you can never be that small if you’re benching 250. So if you’ve trained/eaten horribly for 2 years and made zero progress and then finally changed things around so that your diet/training is intelligently designed, you will see some degree of “beginner gains” despite having “trained” for 2 years already. But the better idea would just be to try to avoid eating so much over what you’re supposed to be eating. I will be asking my teacher the same question but its always nice to have a second opinion. Sounds like insecurities to me. If you have a question or comment about this article, or just want to give me your feedback on it, feel free to contact me directly by using the contact form here. I’m a woman and I want to build more than 25 pounds of muscle. All that I have changed is my activity level (I’m really trying to change one thing at a time so as to not become overwhelmed). I built and maintain what amounts to about 30 pounds of lean mass. @James – I do think a 2 upper body and 2 legs would be more beneficial if you are trying to build muscle. I’m gonna take testosterone or something lol. At the end of the day, you need to eat more calories than you burn to gain weight, which is the exact opposite as losing weight. Is there any hope for a reasonable amount of muscle to be built for me? Would my very first attempts going to the gym (which were fairly unorganised and unproductive and only lasted for about 9 months) count as my beginner gains? That person is either an insanely rare exception/genetic badass, using every drug known to man, regaining lost muscle, flat out wrong, flat out lying, or just trying to sell you something. Based on all of this, here’s how fast you can expect to build muscle on average: Average Natural MAN: between 0.25 and 0.5 pounds of muscle per week (or about 1-2 pounds of muscle gained per month). If his training/eating is less than properly and/or it’s sporadic or non-consecutive, it will take longer than four/five years to build those 50 lbs of muscle. He explained that a man can build up about 50 lbs of muscle in his lifetime, but that how quickly a man attains that 50 lbs depends upon how effectively he trains/eats. I will fully admit to not changing my diet much, even though I’m not a horribly unhealthy eater. Great info here! Since the mussels are cultivated on ropes rather than on the ocean bottom, they have clean, unmuddied flavors and a firm texture that is free of grit. Try this and this… I think combined they’ll answer what you’re asking. Well I’m seriously depressed. I can tell I look healthier (and really that is what matters is leading a healthy lifestyle) but could I really have gained that much muscle? I think periodization is VERY important to help maximize your physique/performance. The lower body lift are flat out more important anyways than the upper body lifts to help you build serious mass. Is natural athlete with healthy weight capable of lifting that much? If however you are splitting up the muscle groups/movement patters on your 3 upper body days, then you should be ok. And if you are one of those rare people who did hit the genetic lottery, congrats. In addition, it has very favorable insertions for heavy and frequent training. If your goal is to build muscle while gaining the least amount of body fat possible along the way, a guy should ideally shoot to gain a total of 1-2lbs per month. What could I change to build muscle a little faster/ see further improvements in strength? Will it definitely happen that gradually i can lift less rep. And low ever weight? So are you saying that if someone trains and eats like an idiot for four years, that they have permanently destroyed their genetic potential, as their potential has been cut in half every year despite never coming anywhere close to achieving it? Your reaction to this article demonstrates why even those who aren’t hiding the truth for the sake of selling supplements, courses, and equipment are often slow to express it. . But I’ve always been stronger than most people a lot bigger than me, even when they had a lot more muscle mass that I did. Since natural human body has muscle growth limit, I think this can imply 2 things. Unfortunately, just like steroids, it’s one of the many methods used to trick people into thinking amazing muscle building results have occurred when in reality it’s just that the person lost a bunch of muscle at some point and was now RE-gaining it. If the soreness is gone, they’ve recovered. However, the more experienced you get and the more muscle you build, the slower your rate of muscle gain will become. I have a small frame and met a female bodybuilder with the same build as me, so I know it can be done. You can now set realistic goals and have realistic expectations. I want to purchase your new book, but I feel I will once again be left with paralysis of overanalysis! I would say the average male would be lucky to gain a third of that figure even with a good routine and diet. I have forget to ask you do u use periodisation in your routine? While I don’t know exactly how you will be tested, if I was going to give someone an aggressive exercise program, it would look something like this: -Strength train 3x per week. The closest thing I can think of are just general guidelines for what “advanced” would be. Actually i m a 23 year old guy., but my phsical aapreance is lyk dat of a 12th std student..there’s no change in my body since i was in class 8th nd now i m in gradution final year.. While results may not always be fast, creating a solid training routine while supplementing your protein intake should increase muscle growth. Eat your protein – most people never eat the 200 grams of protein recommended for building muscle, Quite an informational article… I have a doubt… I used to take creatine but have stopped using it… but now i am consuming protein supplements, are they harmful, if yes what natural alternative should i take to build muscle. Rather, AW was saying that, with optimal training and eating, someone who does gain 50% of his potential the first year will typically be able to gain only another 50% of whatever he gained that first year. Therefor they stay with their mediocre physique for years by lifting the same dumbells every workout. I’m also assuming you added some decent strength as well and your did not add too much fat. Great post! More of this is needed. Gaining muscle is a MASSIVE undertaking that requires a serious commitment, whereas losing fat is achievable for most people with some small lifestyle changes. I would like to at least become a healthy looking body weight. the first time I did a squat it was with 95lbs on the bar and I could do 12 reps. Is this above average? and you’re now 50 or 60 and looking to reach that same potential for growth… that’s unfortunately not going to happen anymore. That sucks badly! It mostly comes down to monitoring your progress. While the values in the preceding chart apply to males, Lyle recommends females use roughly half of these values (e.g. I can do 8-12 reps no problem. The natural muscle growth is an ability to put more stress on muscle continually. For example, I can get my arms pretty big, but I don’t want them to look silly and overpower all my other muscle groups. Our regimen consists of 20 minutes of lifting (done in sets, effectively pushing for endurance and an increase in our max), 30 minutes of general weight lifting (also done in sets), and 30 minutes of cardio. -Cardio 3x per week with an emphasis on sprints/interval training/one longer jog after hiit could work well – also add some flexibility + myofascial release exercises. "Packing on natural muscle takes patience and persistence," Aguzzi says. Quick question: I have benn kickboxing 4 months now, 2-3 days a week. Gains do tend to slow down over time, so if you’re an advanced lifter, it might take six … Same thing for strength as well I’m guessing? Can you suggest any good articles on strength potential and/or what is considered decent for someone of X weight and been lifting for Y years? Then a week, or two before the actual testing, you may want to pull back the volume of training. This would mean an average male could gain somewhere between 12-24lb of muscle in a year which i find to be unrealstic. But for most of the people, most of the time… this is the total maximum amount of muscle you can expect to gain naturally. My eating habits have been the same for years, and the only real difference is minor carb loading before working out and then a protein shake after the fact. One question, why you say that creatine is potentialy dangeroous? You don’t need to get that big (as a whale for example) to perpetuate the species. With that said, I’m going to be writing a muscle gain article in the next couple of months. Muscle hypertrophy or Muscle building involves a hypertrophy or increase in size of skeletal muscle through a growth in size of its component cells.Two factors contribute to hypertrophy: sarcoplasmic hypertrophy, which focuses more on increased muscle glycogen storage; and myofibrillar hypertrophy, which focuses more on increased myofibril size. I hear ya. Im a 39 year old, ive never trained in my life, i weigh around 180 lbs and have seriously let my self go….is it too late for me to get into a decent shape, is it too late for me to build good muscle, sorry if i sound stupid. One simple fact of training is that everything comes MUCH quicker and MUCH faster when you’re a beginner. What is the difference between lean muscle mass (as in DEXA scan) and what you are calling muscle? The biggest muscle building mistake people make is training like a bodybuilder. At this stage one has more or less (or even the same which would be equal genetics), the one with less muscle would have put on more fat (calories in vs calories out) and the one with more muscle puts on less fat (calories in vs calories out). Yup. You will get pretty good results. But your body is … Okay so, I have always been fairly skinny. Many bodybuilders use drugs but won’t tell you. That man will build muscle at that rate (or really slower and slower over time) until they hit their genetic limits at which point they will just stop building additional muscle. It was today that I finally decided to check my weight, and to my surprise I found that my weight has jumped from 195 pounds to 205 pounds (weighed in the morning). Based on all of this, here’s how fast you can expect to build muscle on average: Once again, we’re strictly talking MUSCLE, not WEIGHT. example: Year 1: Potential 10, Gain 1 Year 2: Potential 5, Gain 0.5 Year 3: Potential 2.5, Gain 0.25 Year 4: Potential 1.25, Gain 0.125, Total original potential: 18.75 Total gained: 1.875. I’ve personally seen dramatically different rates of muscle gain for several people following the same exact exercise plan and a nearly identical nutrition plan. No contradiction. It sounds like what you are doing is working. Btw are the routines and tips and workouts etc only for hardgainers, or for fat boys with a small bone structure like moi? Talk about slow recovery. Would shooting for 1-2 lbs a month be out of the question? Hehe. Why do you want, as a woman, to build nearly 2 stone of muscle? So whether he’s building 10lbs a year for 4 years or only building 10lbs in those 4 years combined, the total potential for muscle growth is still the same. Steroids vs Natural: The Muscle Building Effects Of Steroid Use, How To Build Muscle Fast: The 15 Step Guide, The Ultimate Weight Training Workout Routine, How To Create A Weight Training Workout Routine. I’m still training 43 years later, so what i chose is obvious. It doesn't matter how much weight you lift at first, just focus on keeping a good form and lifting only as much weight as you can manage. Its called denial. Creating may help you increase strength and add a little bit of muscle, along with eating more protein. I have a question however. Get my best diet and workout content, and never miss an update. Thanks for the useful information. I actually mention this in the article…, “Based on what I’ve seen, it looks like the amount of muscle you can build in your first year is TWICE as much as it will be in your second year. Taking a good week or two from training can also help. I am finding this works well but I am feeling fatigued by the time I reach core exercises towards the end of my workout (approx 8 exercises). So, generally speaking, the biggest person is also usually the strongest. After fusion with the muscle fiber, some satellite cells serve as a source of new nuclei to supplement the growing muscle fiber. I use now the routine of fat loss with no diet deficit (feel that is probably good volume for me to sustain) but wonder if that is correct. Thanks for your advice and great newsletters/ articles. Consistent training and smart eating adds up over time for an impressive cumulative effect. So while a weekly 3500 calorie surplus (500 per day, for example) might be perfect for male beginners, and a 1750 weekly surplus (250 per day, for example) might be perfect for male intermediates, the advanced would need to go even lower or possibly better yet use some sort of cyclical approach with surplus/maintenance/deficit days programmed throughout the week. I feel very shy nd sumtyms depressd regardin my physical look..i m just 45 kg for last 5 to 6 years..der’s no change in me excpt my hair which only grows.. While I don’t use periodization right now during maintenance, I do when I’m trying to change my body. I am a bit questionable about your figures though. You should be eating 6 small healthy meals a day. Then i started weight training for about and hour and a half a day 5 days a week. With men, these unrealistic expectations cause them to jump from stupid program to even stupider program seeking the type of so-called “lightning fast muscle growth” they couldn’t achieve even with steroids/drugs. Weight go up more than 2lbs gained per month would be awesome only! Bodybuilders use drugs but won ’ t ( hi girls! ) sure you ’ very! I designed my BuiltLean program just can ’ t see results their size... Am on a healthy testosterone level encourages protein synthesis that helps to strengthen your existing muscle tissue another 2.5 of. 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